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What are the qualifications to vote in Jones County?
A citizen of the United States (if convicted of a felony, citizenship rights must be restored). A legal resident of Jones County for 30 days by the date of the next election. A person 18 years of age, or a person 17 years of age can register and vote in the primary if they will be 18 by the date of the General Election.


How do I get registered?
You must complete a Voter Registration Application and mail or deliver to the elections office at least 25 days prior to an election. A Voters Information Card will be mailed to you once your registration application has been processed. This card provides your proof of registration and also provides useful information as to your precinct number and polling location. The card also displays what jurisdictions you vote in. Please retain this card as it may be used to change your address by mail should you move, change your name or change your party affiliation within Jones County. It can also be used to cancel your Jones County registration should you move out of the county. This card is not required on Election Day in order to vote. Jones County has a permanent registration system. You need to register or request a change in your registration only if you:

    1. Have not registered in Jones County before.
    2. Have moved within the county since the last election. It is a violation of the law to vote in your old precinct if you moved more than 30 days prior to the election.
    3. Wish to change your party affiliation or have legally changed your name.

A registration application/change form must be postmarked or delivered to the Board of Elections 25 days prior to an election in order to be valid for that election.

When is the deadline to register to vote in an Election?
The deadline to register to vote in North Carolina is 25 days before the date of an election. The voter registration application must be received by the board of elections by this date. If an application is received after the deadline, the application may still be timely if it was mailed and it is postmarked on or before the voter registration deadline; otherwise, the application will not be processed until after the election. Persons who register at the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles or another voter registration agency will be considered registered as of the date the application is given to the agency. As long as this date is on or before the voter registration deadline, then the application will be deemed timely for an upcoming election.

Eligible individuals may register and vote during the early voting period. This same-day registration option remains the subject of ongoing litigation in federal court. Please check back at this website for updates. Click here to check your voter registration status.

When are the polls open?
The polls are open from 6:30 AM until 7:30 PM on Election Day.

How do I know where to vote?
When you register or make an address change or information change, or if the Board of Elections assigns you to a new precinct or polling place, the Board of Elections sends you a new voter card. Your voting place (polling place) is printed on the card. You are assigned a polling place based on the precinct where you live. You may also search with The State Board of Elections Precinct Search to determine your registration status and voting location. The voter information there is updated daily. If you don’t know where to vote or if you have moved from the residence address that we have on file contact us. Please don’t wait until Election Day as you may experience a delay in voting if your residence address is not up to date or if we have sent mail to your voter registration address that was returned to us by the Postal Service.

Voters who appear on Election Day in the correct county but in the improper precinct may cast a provisional ballot, which will be counted for all contests in which the voter was eligible to participate. This out-of-precinct voting option remains the subject of ongoing litigation in federal court. Please check back at this website for updates. Click here to locate your assigned precinct polling location.

How do I know if my voter registration is up to date?
If you are not sure of your voter registration, call the Board of Elections office at 252-448-3921 and we can verify your registration status. You may also visit the NC State Board of Elections website to determine your registration status and voting location. This information is updated daily.

What if a voter is unable to enter the polling place because of age or physical disability?
If the voter wishes to vote on Election Day, the voter will be allowed to vote outside the polling place. This procedure is called “curbside voting”. Look for the “curbside voting” sign and park there. The precinct official handling the “curbside voters’ will assist the voters in preparing the necessary paperwork. Or the voter may choose to vote by absentee ballot.

I keep getting mail from the Board of Elections office for a person that used to live at my address. He doesn’t live here anymore. Why don’t you remove his name from the voter registration books?
Reasons for removing voter registration are very specifically outlined in North Carolina General Statute 163-82.14. We cannot cancel a voter’s registration just because someone tells us that we should. Voter registration cards are sent first class mail and are addressed to a specific person. Any first class mail that you receive that is not addressed to you should be returned to the postman unopened. You should note on the piece of mail that the person does not live at your address. Only after two or more such mailings are returned to our office and then after two federal elections have passed may we begin the removal process. Otherwise, we must receive official notice that the voter has registered elsewhere, has died, or has been convicted of a felony before we can remove a voter’s registration records. We may also remove a voter’s registration records if we receive a signed written request from the voter.

I will be away on Election Day. How do I vote by absentee ballot?
All registered voters in Jones County may request an absentee ballot by mail or may vote absentee in person (early voting). Listing an excuse is no longer required. Click here for more information on voting by mail and/or to request an absentee ballot (will reopen in 2025).


Jones County Board of Elections

367 Hwy 58 S, Unit B
Trenton, NC 28585

Phone: 252-448-3921
Fax: 252-448-1040

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Director: Jessica Taylor

Hours of Operation



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