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About Us

The Jones County Board of Elections is responsible for conducting all federal, state and local elections held within Jones County and maintaining registered voter information.

The Jones County Elections Department operates under the guidance of the five-member Jones County Board of Elections. The board is composed of two Democrats, two Republicans, and a Chair appointed by the Governor. Board members are nominated by local political parties and appointed by the State Board of Elections for a two-year term. While elections personnel are county employees, the Elections Director is appointed by the State Board of Elections based on the recommendation of the Jones County Board of Elections.

The Board of Elections is committed to ensuring that the electoral process is conducted fairly and honestly and that all election laws, campaign finance laws, rules and regulations are equally applied.

Services Include:

  • Maintain voter registration records for the county and three municipalities
  • Receive candidate filing for General Assembly and local candidates
  • Receive, audit, and maintain campaign finance reports for local candidates/committees
  • Provide for remote absentee voting
  • Recruit, appoint, and train all election day officials
  • Establish all election precincts and provide election day voting
  • Report election day results to public and authorities
  • Evaluate and improve election services
  • Provide election reports and statistical information
  • Contract for and maintain polling places
  • Maintain and store all voting equipment
  • Investigate all any voting irregularities 

Other Community Services Include:

  • Provide voter and precinct information to the public
  • Provide registration materials and advice for community registration drives
  • Visit community groups for voter/election education

 Current Board Members 

This is a five-member board. Four members are appointed by the State Board of Elections and the chairman is appointed by the Governor. Members serve two-year terms.

Board Chairman – Zack Koonce
Member – Matthew Brinkley
Member – Nellie Brown
Member – Robert Jolly
Member – Vacant

Board Meetings

Regular monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Board of Elections Office located at 367 NC Hwy 58 South, Trenton, NC 28585.

2025 Board Meeting Schedule

The meeting scheduled for February 4, 2025 has been cancelled.

Quick Links:

The Jones County Board of Elections is always accepting applications for precinct officials. If you are interested in working the polls on election day please complete a Precinct Election Official Application. You may submit your form to the Jones County Board of Elections:

Jones County Board of Elections
367 Hwy 58 S, Unit B
Trenton, NC 28585

If you have any questions about becoming a precinct official please contact Jessica Taylor, Elections Director, at 252-448-3921 or via email at jessica.taylor@jonescountync.gov.

Past Election Results

Voter Fraud is a Felony!

Jones County and the State of North Carolina take voter fraud very seriously. The Board of Elections is committed to ensuring the electoral process is conducted fairly and honestly and shall enforce voting laws, rules and regulations accordingly. Voter fraud is a felony! See information below for more information regarding felony acts related to elections.

§ 163-275. Certain acts declared felonies.
Any person who shall, in connection with any primary, general or special election held in this State, do any of the acts or things declared in this section to be unlawful, shall be guilty of a Class I felony. It shall be unlawful:

(1) For any person fraudulently to cause his name to be placed upon the registration books of more than one election precinct or fraudulently to cause or procure his name or that of any other person to be placed upon the registration books in any precinct when such registration in that precinct does not qualify such person to vote legally therein, or to impersonate falsely another registered voter for the purpose of voting in the stead of such other voter;

(2) For any person to give or promise or request or accept at any time, before or after any such primary or election, any money, property or other thing of value whatsoever in return for the vote of any elector;

(3) For any person who is an election officer, a member of an election board or other officer charged with any duty with respect to any primary or election, knowingly to make any false or fraudulent entry on any election book or any false or fraudulent returns, or knowingly to make or cause to be made any false statement on any ballot, or to do any fraudulent act or knowingly and fraudulently omit to do any act or make any report legally required of such person;

(4) For any person knowingly to swear falsely with respect to any matter pertaining to any primary or election;

(5) For any person convicted of a crime which excludes him from the right of suffrage, to vote at any primary or election without having been restored to the right of citizenship in due course and by the method provided by law;

(6) For any person to take corruptly the oath prescribed for voters;

(7) For any person with intent to commit a fraud to register or vote at more than one precinct or more than one time, or to induce another to do so, in the same primary or election, or to vote illegally at any primary or election;

(8) For any chief judge or any clerk or copyist to make any entry or copy with intent to commit a fraud;

(9) For any election official or other officer or person to make, certify, deliver or transmit any false returns of any primary or election, or to make any erasure, alteration, or conceal or destroy any election ballot, book, record, return or process with intent to commit a fraud;

(10) For any person to assault any chief judge, judge of election or other election officer while in the discharge of his duty in the registration of voters or in conducting any primary or election;

(11) For any person, by threats, menaces or in any other manner, to intimidate or attempt to intimidate any chief judge, judge of election or other election officer in the discharge of his duties in the registration of voters or in conducting any primary or election;

(12) For any chief judge, judge of election, member of a board of elections, assistant, marker, or other election official, directly or indirectly, to seek, receive or accept money or the promise of money, the promise of office, or other reward or compensation from a candidate in any primary or election or from any source other than such compensation as may be provided by law for his services;

(13) For any person falsely to make or present any certificate or other paper to qualify any person fraudulently as a voter, or to attempt thereby to secure to any person the privilege of voting, including declarations made under this Chapter, G.S. 20-37.7(d)(5), 20-37.7(d)(6), 130A-93.1(c), and 161-10(a)(8);

(14) For any officer to register voters and any other individual to knowingly and willfully receive, complete, or sign an application to register from any voter contrary to the provisions of G.S. 163-82.4; or

(15) Reserved for future codification purposes.

(16) For any person falsely to make the certificate provided by G.S. 163-229(b)(2).

(17) For any person, directly or indirectly, to misrepresent the law to the public through mass mailing or any other means of communication where the intent and the effect is to intimidate or discourage potential voters from exercising their lawful right to vote.

(18) For any person, knowing that a person is not a citizen of the United States, to instruct or coerce that person to register to vote or to vote. (1901, c. 89, s. 13; Rev., s. 3401; 1913, c. 164, s. 2; C.S., s. 4186; 1931, c. 348, s. 10; 1943, c. 543; 1965, c. 899; 1967, c. 775, s. 1; 1979, c. 539, s. 4; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1316, ss. 27, 28; 1981, cc. 63, 179; 1985, c. 562, s. 5; 1987, c. 565, s. 14; c. 583, s. 7; 1989, c. 770, s. 38; 1991, c. 727, s. 1; 1993, c. 553, s. 68; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 762, s. 58(d)-(g); 1999-424, s. 7(i); 2007-391, s. 17(a); 2013-381, s. 3.4; 2014-111, s. 15(c).A s

Jones County
Board of Elections

367 Hwy 58 S, Unit B
Trenton, NC 28585

Phone: 252-448-392|
Fax: 252-448-1040

Follow us on Facebook

Director: Jessica Taylor

Hours of Operation



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